Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

12 Tips To be Clever! Don't need to do a suicide :P

Hey Guys! You wanna be a smart person? Want to pass the exam without pulling your hair out? Check this tips:

1. Don't study if only there's an exam.
    For example, you have an exam tomorrow, and you study today with all your brain out -.- my teacher said,     "less study, less foget; more study, more forget," so, if you "Not study, not forget :D" <= that's my opinion.

2. Study isn't just memorize, but also understanding
    You can memorize it 100% but, first thing you should do is understanding the big line of it.

3. Reading is the key
    Raed the material again after your teacher explained it.

4. Write down the points of the lesson
    Isn't tiring to read the long notes? write it to be shorter or just the point of the lesson :P

5. Memorize the Key words
    Make key words from each recitation, so it will easy to remember at the time of our brain call it.

6. Choose the appropriate study time
    The appropriate study time usually in the morning when our brain's still fresh.

7. Make A comfortable atmosphere
    Many things can make a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can select a song to suit our mood. Places         we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the bedroom can be on the terrace or in the library. The key       lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by the other party.

8. Make a study group
    If you're bored to study by your self, you can study with your friends. You can share the lesson and ask           your friends who studying it to teach you.

9. Train our ability by our self
   After every lesson on your book, there's must be an exercise to do. well, try to do it and after you did it all,      match your answer with the answering key.

10. Develop the material that we have been studying about
    Try to make your own question that doesn't mention to the question in your book. after that, try to find out       what's the answer of it. you can ask your teacher too.

11. Provide a time to rest
      Don't forget to rest your brain after 'eating' all the material from your book. you can rest in about 30-45           minutes, then get back 'surfing' the book.

12. Stop if you saturated
      Brain also have saturated feeling. if you feel it, stop study and try to make your brain relax. if you keep on study, it will become useless. the brain wont take it. -.-

wel, that's the 12 tips from me. i also have tried it on my self :D please leave a comment and tips for me please. Thank you :D

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